Thursday, March 22, 2018

Manifestation Practice #1: Apreciating Money

Greetings, fellow creators & new friends,

Today I just wanted to make a post concerning the manifestation of money...

One way to manifest money is to appreciate the money that you already have in your possession. Whether it be just a couple of cents, or a couple hundred dollars. Remember that money is a form of energy. It is a tool used for the exchange of goods and its always ever flowing around you.

You probably look at those few cents sitting on your desk (or in your bank account) and you're thinking "Damn, I'm poor...". You're probably thinking that what you have is not worth anything at all! but that's where you'd be wrong... All forms of money has value, even that crusty old penny you found in your driveway. When you can get yourself to realize this fact then you can really start to appreciate what little you have.

To be thankful of your tiny little fortune is to subconsciously tell the Universe that you want more of this thing. And when this message has been sent then the Universe will act accordingly. So that chunk of change on your dresser? Collect it and add it to your place of manifestation/meditation.

A few simple little things I'm doing to show my appreciation for my money:

1. Keeping a manifestation pile: Set aside a small lump-sum from every paycheck you get. Keep those pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters that you find on the ground (or from change back on purchases). Keep these lump-sums in a nice and neat little pile at your manifestation/meditation area. Use this to give you the mindset that you have money and give thanks for it. :) [also observe your bank accounts and give thanks for what you have there as well... Build those numbers up!]

2. Cleaning my change and straightening my bills: When you look at your physical fortune, you'd want nice crisp and clean notes and really shiny coins so it'll look good. It'll also give you the mindset to take good care of your money and use it more wisely. The cleaner and crisper that money is, the more attractive it looks to you and you can feel proud of it (and want more of it)!

3. Observing your past wealth through value of possessions: Have a look around your room; your home; your property. See that car there in your drive? see that flat-screen 4k tv in your living-room? How about them gaming consoles or that super powerful gaming PC? Guess what, those things have worth! You spent money on these items, and in essence, you still have that money. Money is energy. Those possessions are also energy. Money and goods are all on the same vibration! Acknowledge this, and realize that you are more richer than you realize. :)

I hope this bit of information will inspire you beautiful people on here and that it will help you to continue to build your wealth and self worth.

And remember after every manifestation practice always say: "It is done." and feel it, because it is! ;)


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